Hida Takayama and Shirakawa-go Late Winter Trip Part 4: Morning Walk in Shirakawa-go

白川郷 朝 アイキャッチ画像


I traveled to Hida Takayama and Shirakawa-go for three days and two nights. This is my second visit to Hida Takayama and Shirakawa-go since I visited them for the first time in September 2014. In addition, I also went to Hida Furukawa, which is the filming locations of “Your name/Kimi no na wa”, a blockbuster Japanese anime film. In this article, I will write about morning walk in Shirakawa-go as part of Day 2.

[Visit Places (series of articles)]
* Day1: Shinjuku – Takayama – Shirakawa-go
* Day1: Shirakawa-go
* Day1: Shirakawa-go (Evening and night view)
* Day2: Shirakawa-go (Morning walk) [This article]
* Day2: Takayama 1
* Day2: Takayama 2
* Day2: Takayama (Evening and night view)
* Day3: Takayama (Morning market)
* Day3: Hida Furukawa

[Travel Date]

[Main Part]

Morning Walk

It was the second day morning of my trip to Hida Takayama and Shirakawa-go. Since I had some free time before breakfast, I took a walk.

I walked around Kanmachi area.Shirakawa-go morning1


It was sunny just like yesterday.""

However, there were some clouds, since the weather forecast predicted it would become cloudy this afternoon.Shirakawa-go morning2



Triple gassho style houses.Shirakawa-go triple gassho houses

Breakfast in Kidoya

I returned to the inn (Kidoya) to have a breakfast. The breakfast was simple and made of local dishes.Shirakawa-go Kidoya breakfast

“Hoba Miso” is one of the representative local foods in Hida Takayama and Shirakawa-go.Shirakawa-go Hoba Miso

Here are other snap photos I took in Kidoya.Shirakawa-go Kidoya1

Shirakawa-go Kidoya2

Shirakawa-go Kidoya3

Shirakawa-go Kidoya4

Now I checked out “Kidoya”.Shirakawa-go Kidoya5

I will comment about my impressions of “Kidoya”. I asked Shirakawa-go Tourist Association to arrange an accommodation and the Tourist Association booked “Kidoya” for me. The rate was 9,000 JPY for one night with dinner and breakfast. The location was convenient, since the inn was located between the central area. In addition, the owner of Kidoya spoke English to some extent, so it would be helpful for foreign tourists.

Go around Shiralawa-go one last time

I went around Shirakawa-go one last time.""

Around Myozen-ji temple.Shirakawa-go Myozen-ji temple1

Shirakawa-go Myozen-ji temple2


The east street.""


Some signs.""


This was one of my favorite spots in Shirakawa-go.Shirakawa-go morning3


Shirakawa-go morning4

The small pond had reflection.Shirakawa-go morning5

Another favorite spot in Shirakawa-go.Shirakawa-go morning6

Main street.""


Observatory.Shirakawa-go Observatory

Then, I took a bus to Hida Takayama and left Shirakawa-go.


That’s it for the article about morning walk in Shirakawa-go as part of Day 2.

I revisited Shirakawa-go for the first time in two and a half years and found it was wonderful. I was able to take photos of Shirakawa-go with snow and sunny conditions. Next time, I would like to revisit Shirakawa-go in spring or autumn 🙂

From the next article, I will write about Hida Takayama.


[Related Link]
Shirakawa-go tourist information (Shirakawa Village Official Website)


  1. はじめまして。

    1. 野村延彦さん、コメントありがとうございます。白川郷と言えば冬のライトアップが有名ですが、9月もコスモスなどが咲いて楽しめると思います。良いご旅行になりますように!

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