Okinawa Trip without Car: Part 13 (Final): Senagajima Umikaji Terrace & Return Home

沖縄 瀬長島ウミカジテラス アイキャッチ画像


I traveled to Okinawa for four days and three nights. This time, I visited Okinawa Main Island, mainly Naha area. My concern was that I don’t drive, which might make my trip difficult, but I enjoyed the trip very much by using monorail and taking bus tours. In this article, I will write about Senagajima Umikaji Terrace and return home as part of Day 4.

[Visit Places (series of articles)]
* Day 1: Fly to Okinawa
* Day 1: Surijo Castle Park
* Day 1: Surijo Castle Park (Light-up)
* Day 2: Naminoue Beach & Fukushuen Garden & Shikinaen Garden
* Day 2: Kokusai Street
* Day 2: Kokusai Street (Night Walk)
* Day 3: Kouri Island
* Day 3: Churaumi Aquarium
* Day 3: Busena Marine Park
* Day 3: Mihama American Village
* Day 4: Sefa-utaki & Mibaru Beach & Himeyuri Peace Museum
* Day 4: Ashibinaa & Chura Sun Beach
* Day 4: Senagajima Umikaji Terrace & Return Home [This article]

[Travel Date]

[Main Part]

Senagajima Umikaji Terrace

This is the final article of the Okinawa trip series. Now I reached “Senagajima Umikaji Terrace”, the last destination of this trip.Okinawa Senagajima Umikaji Terrace1

“Senagajima Umikaji Terrace” is a commercial complex adjacent to the west coast of Senagajima island, which is located about 15km south of  Naha airport. Senagajima island has received attention recently among tourists as several facilities such as “Senagajima Umikaji Terrace” and a hotel were opened.

I am going around “Senagajima Umikaji Terrace”.Okinawa Senagajima Umikaji Terrace2

There are about 30 shops and restaurants in the Senagajima Umikaji Terrace and all of them are open to the sea.Okinawa Senagajima Umikaji Terrace3

One of the shops has hammock like this.Okinawa Senagajima Umikaji Terrace4

It was a lovely weather.Okinawa Senagajima Umikaji Terrace5

Other snap photos.Okinawa Senagajima Umikaji Terrace6

Okinawa Senagajima Umikaji Terrace7

Okinawa Senagajima Umikaji Terrace8

Okinawa Senagajima Umikaji Terrace9

As I missed having lunch at this moment, so I decided to have a quick bite in the Senagajima Umikaji Terrace.""

I stopped by “KAME ANDAGI” and had iced shavings with mango.Okinawa mango ice shavings

Airplanes around Senagajima Island

Senagajima island was also famous as one of the best spots where visitors are able to watch airplanes, as it was located just in the south of Naha airport. Here are some snap photos with airplanes.Okinawa Senagajima airplane1

Okinawa Senagajima airplane2


Okinawa Senagajima airplane3


Okinawa Senagajima airplane4

Okinawa Senagajima airplane5

Naha Airport and Return Home

I moved from Senagajima Umikaji Terrace to Naha airport by free shuttle bus. Now my Okinawa trip was about to end.Okinawa Naha airport1

Okinawa Naha airport airplane1

In the airport.Okinawa Naha airport2

Observation deck.Okinawa Naha airport airplane2

Okinawa Naha airport airplane3

Departure lobby.Okinawa Naha airport airplane4

Okinawa Naha airport airplane5

Okinawa Naha airport airplane6

I will have a dinner at Naha airport. I entered “Tenryu”.沖縄 那覇空港 天龍1

I ordered an Okinawa local cuisine.沖縄 那覇空港 天龍2

I moved to departure gate.Okinawa Naha airport3

Then, I returned to Tokyo.""


That’s it for the article about Senagajima Umikaji Terrace and return home as part of Day 4 of my Okinawa trip.

To recap the trip, I enjoyed my Okinawa trip very much. It is true that there were some limitations as I didn’t rent a car, but I overcame it by using monorail and bus tours. In addition, I think visiting Okinawa in early July was a good timing, as the rainy season was just over and there were less tourists compared to high season.

Now the Okinawa trip series with 13 articles was complete. Thank you for reading my articles. Regarding my next trip, I have already arranged it. I am going to Kaohsiung, Taiwan from September 15 to 19. I just visited Taipei in April this year and liked Taiwan very much. So, I decided to visit Taiwan again and this time I am going to Kaohsiung, the second largest city in Taiwan. Once I return from the next trip, I will start a new series in my blog, so please stay tuned 🙂


[Related Link]
Visit Okinawa Japan – Official Travel and Tourism Information
Okinawa Labo
Senagajima Umikaji Terrace
Naha Airport

I would appreciate it if you could share my article via the following SNS buttons.


  1. Just finished reading your Okinawa trip, so detailed and lots of information provided. Plus, the photos really nice!

    I can’t wait for my trip as I planned to go to Okinawa without car too. Your blog help me a lot! Thank you!

    1. Hi Mayo lim, thank you for your comment. I am very glad to know my blog helped you plan your trip. I bet Okinawa is very attractive. Please enjoy your Okinawa trip 🙂

  2. I will visit okinawa next month. Your photoes are awesome ☺. Could you please advice how to get Umikaji terrace and how to get to airport from Umikaji terrace as I plan to visit their without a car too :)Thanks

    1. Hi fon, thank you for your comment and compliment. Regarding your question about the transportation, here are my reply:

      1) To get to Umikaji terrace
      There are free shuttle buses from two monorail stations, which are Akamine Station and Prefectural Office Station (depart from Palette Kumoji, a shopping center).

      2) To get to the airport from Umikaji terrace
      There are free shuttle buses from Umikaji terrace to the airport.

      For more information about free shuttle buses, please see the following link from the official website of Umikaji terrace (Note: the website seems to be just a machine translation).

      For information about monorail, pleasde see the following link.

      I hope my reply will be of some help to you 🙂

  3. I seldom leave a comment, but your site is really impressive and helpful! You’ve shown that it is still possible to enjoy the beauty of Okinawa even though you don’t do self drive. And I super love all your photos and angles, very awesome shots indeed! Huge Thank You from the bottom of my heart! 🙂

    Oh yes may I ask – is it suitable to bring a 2 year old boy on the tour bus? If we don’t want to go down at some location, is it possible to just stay on the bus? Thanks in advance

    1. Hi Mel, thank you for your comment and compliment 🙂

      Regarding your questions, my replies are as follows:

      1. Yes, it’s OK to bring your 2 year old boy on the tour bus. No Problem!

      2. Yes, that’s fine. If you don’t want to go down at some location, you can stay on the bus.

      I hope I could be of some help 🙂

      1. Dear Kosu San, much apologies for the late reply and sincerely Thank You so much for your kind help and reply 🙂 I look forward to visiting Okinawa with the bus tour and will also continue to slowly explore your very wonderful & facinating blog 🙂 Keep up the great work!

    1. Hi Mandy, thank you for your comment. I moved from Chura sun beach to Senagajima Umikaji Terrace by taxi, as there was not suitable public transportation between them (- a taxi stand was located at Chura sun beach). I hope my reply would be of some help 🙂

  4. Hi Kosu,

    Fantastic blog! It is so detailed. I am planning a free and easy tour To Okinawa in mid May with my family and I will follow your itineraries.

    Any idea how’s the weather in mid May? Is it very hot?


  5. 今年の長いGWへの突入後、唐突に沖縄一人旅を思い立ち、貴殿の当記事を参考にさせていただきました。




    1. なんくるないささん、コメントありがとうございます。そうですか、沖縄に旅行に行ったのですね。沖縄本島も那覇市内ですとモノレールを駆使すれば意外に回れますし、それに現地発のバスツアーを組み合わせれば、十分楽しめますよね〜。自分のブログが参考になったのであれば幸いです!

  6. Hi thank you for sharing your Okinawa travel experience. Your photos are awesome.

    I am planning to go Okinawa this Oct. This trip will also be my first trip to Okinawa. Can you give some advices /suggestions for me as a foreigner who cannot understand nor speak Japanese language.

    Umikaji terrace: is there any storage for luggages?

    Thank you. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Evon A.

    1. Hi Evon A. Thank for your comment. Basically, tourism is one of the most important industries in Okinawa and I think people in Okinawa are accustomed to foreign tourists. So, you don’t have to worry about your Japanese ability more than necessary. I just would recommend you remember two Japanese words “Konnichiwa (Hello)” and “Arigato (Thank you)” 🙂
      Regarding storage for luggages in Umikaji terrace, yes, it seems coin lockers are placed in front of the information desk according to the Umikaji terrace’s website.
      Anyway, I hope my reply is of some help and please enjoy your Okinawa trip 🙂

  7. Thank you very much Kuso😊.

    I most probably will join hip hop sightseeing tour bus in of the 1-2 days. And also will get 1 day Monorail pass & explore Okinawa on our own.
    That is why I am worry there will be language barrier if I need to ask for directions from locals., etc.

    1. Hi Evon A. Thank for your follow-up comment. As far as “hip hop sightseeing tour bus” and “Monorail pass” are concerned, you don’t have to worry about the language barrier.

      [hip hop sightseeing tour bus]
      As you can see, multiple languages including English are available in their website and you can book a tour online in English. In fact, when I participated in the tour, more than half of the participants were foreign tourists and a tour guide spoke English.

      [Monorail pass]
      When you buy a ticket, you can select English menu at the ticket vending machine.

      So, that’s why I say you don’t have to worry about the language problem 🙂

  8. Hi Kuso,
    Great! Wonderful! The hip hop bus tours come with english speaking guide. That wash away my worries hahaha….

    I think I will book thru Klook as I no need to worry about the currency conversation rate.

    Once again thank you so much for sharing. Hv a great weekends!

  9. Thank you very much for your detailed info about Okinawa(without rent a car ^_^).
    I’m planing my trip to Okinawa and in hesitation mode if I should change to visit other part of Japan as I have not enough budget for rent a car. Reading your blog make me re-think about traveling to Okinawa.

    1. Hi Poonpalung Tuntipong, thank thank you for your comment. It is true it’s better to rent a car when you travel in Okinawa, but I think you are able to enjoy Okinawa trip even without a car. I hope my blog will be of some help for you 🙂

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