Shanghai Trip Part 8: Evening Scene in the Pudong Area

上海 浦東 アイキャッチ画像


I traveled to Shanghai, China, in late May. If I had been fluent in Chinese, I could have enjoyed the trip more, but I was impressed with a fine mixture of retro and modern elements in Shanghai. In this article, I will write about evening scene in the Pudong area as part of Day 2. The four major towers, shopping malls, office buildings and walking passes were lighted up respectively, which made the area more attractive.

[Visit Places (series of articles)]
* Day 1: Fly to Hongqiao International Airport
* Day 1: Waitan (The Bund)
* Day 1: Waitan (The Bund) (Light-up)
* Day 2: Oriental Pearl Tower
* Day 2: Jin Mao Tower
* Day 2: Shanghai Tower
* Day 2: Shanghai World Financial Center
* Day 2: Pudong (Light-up) [This article]
* Day 3: Yu Garden
* Day 3: Xintiandi, Middle Huaihai Road, Hengshan Road and Tianzifang
* Day 3: East Nanjing Road (Light-up)
* Day 4: Shanghai World Expo Museum
* Day 4: Natural History Museum, Ocean Aquarium and China Art Museum
* Day 4: Yu Garden (Light-up)
* Day 5: Great World (Dashijie), Jing’an Temple and Shanghai Exhibition Center
* Day 5: Return Home from Pudong International Airport

[Travel Date]
2018.05.23 – 27

[Main Part]

Light-up in the Pudong Area

Following the previous post, I left “Shanghai World Financial Center (上海環球金融中心)” and will take photos of evening scene in the Pudong area.Shanghai Pudong light-up1

I looked up to the sky and found the three towers – “Shanghai World Financial Center”, “Shanghai Tower” (see the related article) and “Jin Mao Tower”(see the related article).Shanghai World Financial Center Shanghai Tower Jin Mao Tower1

One more shot.Shanghai World Financial Center Shanghai Tower Jin Mao Tower2

I will move towards “Lujiazui (陸家嘴)” subway station.""

“Century Avenue (世紀大道)”.Shanghai Pudong light-up2

This illuminated walking pass was impressive, wasn’t it?""

“Shanghai Tower”.Shanghai Tower light-up

“Jin Mao Tower”.Shanghai Jin Mao Tower light-up1

These two buildings were adjacent to each other and I took several snaps around here.""


Shanghai Jin Mao Tower light-up2


A trio of “Shanghai World Financial Center”, “Shanghai Tower” and “Jin Mao Tower” again.Shanghai World Financial Center Shanghai Tower Jin Mao Tower3

One more shot.Shanghai World Financial Center Shanghai Tower Jin Mao Tower4


There were lots of office buildings and commercial complexes around “Lujiazui (陸家嘴)” subway station, which made the area flourishing.""

This is “ifc Shanghai”, a Hong Kong based commercial complex.ifc Shanghai

The complex had shopping mall, hotel and office building.""

In relation to Hong Kong, there was a brunch of “HSBC(Hongkong and Shanghai Banking”.Shanghai ifc HSBC


In addition, an Apple store was also located in the ifc mall.Shanghai ifc Apple1

The entrance of the apple store was impressive.Shanghai ifc Apple2

As another shopping mall around “Lujiazui (陸家嘴)” subway station, there was “Super Brand Mall”.Shanghai Super Brand Mall1

Shanghai Super Brand Mall2

Shanghai Super Brand Mall3

Finally, I took photos around a circle walking pass around “Lujiazui (陸家嘴)” subway station.""

“Oriental Pearl Tower”, which I visited in the morning (see the related article).Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower light-up1

Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower light-up2

From under the circle walking pass.""

Then, I returned the hotel and the second day of my Shanghai trip was over.Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower light-up3


That’s it for the article about evening scene in the Pudong area as part of Day 2.

The Pudong area became colorful in the evening, as surrounding buildings were lighted up. In addition to the four major towers, shopping malls, office buildings and walking passes were lighted up respectively, which made the area more attractive, so if you like to take evening photos in Shanghai, I would recommend the Pudong area 🙂

In the next article, I will write about Yu Garden as part of Day 3.


1 Shanghai World Financial Center
2 Shanghai Tower
3 Jin Mao Tower
4 Oriental Pearl Tower
5 ifc Mall
6 Super Brand Mall

[Related Link]
The Official Shanghai China Travel Website
Shanghai World Financial Center
Shanghai World Financial Center Observation Deck
Shanghai Tower
Oriental Pearl Tower

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  1. 初めましてですがいつも楽しみにしています!

    1. ぐうはうさん、コメントありがとうございます。ぐうはうさんも旅行と筋トレが趣味なのですね。中々この二つを同時に趣味にする方はお目にかかる機会がないので、そういう方からのコメントは励みになります。普段の食事では、摂取カロリーや栄養バランス(PFCバランス)などそれなりに気をつけますが、旅行中は食べたいものを食べる感じで、結構いい加減です(笑)。また、旅行荷物に関しても、自分自身も模索中で、悩ましいところです。これについては、機会があればいつか記事にしたいなと思います!

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