Ehime Matsuyama Trip Part 10: Dogo Shopping Arcade

道後商店街 アイキャッチ画像


I traveled to Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture for three days and two nights in late April. This was my sixth trip to Ehime Matsuyama and I was able to enjoy the trip as my first travel since I changed my camera and lens. In this article, I will write about Dogo Shopping Arcade as part of Day 3.

[Visit Places (series of articles)]
* Day 1: Matsuyama Airpot
* Day 1: Mitsuhama, Baishinji and Takahama
* Day 1: Emifull Masaki
* Day 1: Matsuyama City Station and Okaido (Light-up)
* Day 2: Ehime Prefectural Government
* Day 2: Dogo Onsen Honkan
* Day 2: Dogo Onsen Honkan (Light-up)
* Day 3: Asuka-no-yu and Mican Room
* Day 3: Dogo ONSENART
* Day 3: Dogo Arcade [This article]
* Day 3: Dogo Arcade and Matsuyama Airport (Mican)

[Travel Date]

[Main Part]

As I have finished watching art works of Dogo ONSENART 2018 in the previous post, I will walk around Dogo Shopping Arcade for the rest of the day. Regarding Dogo Shopping Arcade, I wrote an article when I visited it in January 2016.

“Dogo shopping arcade and Dogo gourmet”

FYI: this past article has recorded the most page views in my blog (40,000 PVs so far). So, I will try to catch lightning in a bottle twice  this time as well 🙂

Walking around Dogo Shopping Arcade

Let’s start to go around Dogo Shopping Arcade.""

To begin with, I visited “10FACTORY”.Dogo Shopping Arcade 10FACTORY1

“10FACTORY” is a speciality shop of mikan (mandarin oranges). The shop sells products that use citrus, such as gelato, ice cream, jelly and juice.

In the shop.Dogo Shopping Arcade 10FACTORY2

Dogo Shopping Arcade 10FACTORY3

I had a cup of gelato at its eat-in space.10FACTORY ジェラート

This is “Rokuji-ya (六時屋)”, which is one of the most famous “Taruto (sweet cake rolls)” shops.道後商店街 六時屋

“Mikan-no-ki (みかんの木)” is another speciality shop of mikan (mandarin oranges).道後商店街 みかんの木

I had a cup of soft cream with “Botchan Milk”.道後商店街 みかんの木 ソフトクリーム

“Iori (伊織)” is a famous store of Imabari towel.道後商店街 伊織

In relation to “Dogo ONSENART 2018”, banner art works were displayed along Dogo Shopping Arcade.道後商店街 道後オンセナート1

The models were junior high school students at Dogo area.道後商店街 道後オンセナート2

I mainly use a wide-zoom lens (SEL1635GM), and will switch to other lenses (SEL55F18Z and SEL90M28G). Here are some snaps.Dogo Shopping Arcade1


Dogo Shopping Arcade2

Dogo Shopping Arcade3

Dogo Shopping Arcade4



Dogo Shopping Arcade5

道後商店街 道後ハイカラ通り 道後温泉本館

Poster Cats at Dogo Shopping Arcade

There was a restaurant called “Shokubo Yumejikon” adjacent to “10FACTORY” and the restaurant had two cats. They spent most of time in front of the restaurant, so I took several photos.


Dogo Shopping Arcade Cat1

Dogo Shopping Arcade Cat2


道後商店街 道後ハイカラ通り 猫3

Dogo Shopping Arcade Cat4


Starbucks @ Dogo Onsen Station

There was only one hour left before I moved to the airport and I visited Starbucks that was opened at Dogo Onsen Station.""

Starbucks at Dogo Onsen Station was opened in December 2017 as part of the station renewal project.

In the shop.スターバックス コーヒー 道後温泉駅舎店1

スターバックス コーヒー 道後温泉駅舎店2

Visitors were able to enjoy train views from the window table.スターバックス コーヒー 道後温泉駅舎店3

スターバックス コーヒー 道後温泉駅舎店4

Now it was time to leave Dogo Onsen. When I saw the platform of Dogo Onsen station, I found a two-toned beige and orange painted tram.道後温泉駅 電車1

Personally, I like this type of tram the best 🙂道後温泉駅 電車2

Finally, I took a photo of Dogo Onsen station with Botchan train and left Dogo Onsen.道後温泉駅 坊っちゃん列車

Then, I will move to the airport to return to Tokyo.


That’s it for the article about Dogo Shopping Arcade as part of Day 3 of my Ehime Matsuyama trip.

Whenever I visit Dogo Onsen, I find it has been ever changing. For example, Starbucks was opened at Dogo Onsen station and other new shops were opened at Dogo Shopping Arcade as well.

Note: the renovation work of Dogo Onsen Honkan will start from January 2019 and continue for 7 years. So, if you are would like to see the current facility, I recommend you visit Dogo Onsen Honkan during 2018 🙂

In the next article, I will write about Mican snaps at Dogo Shopping Arcade and Matsuyama Airport as part of Day 3.


2 Mikan-no-ki
3 Shokubo Yumejikon
4 Starbucks at Dogo Onsen Station

[Related Link]
The Official Website of Tourism Matsuyama
Dogo Shopping Arcade (Japanese)

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